Business Owner: Does my business need general liability insurance?
Business Owner: But all we do is-
ALLCHOICE: Yes, you need liability insurance.
Business Owner: But we only have-
ALLCHOICE: You need liability insurance.
Business Owner: Are you sure? Because-
ALLCHOICE: Mm hm. Yeah, you need liability insurance.
Business Owner: But-
ALLCHOICE: Do you have a store or an office?
Business Owner: Yes, but customers only come in now and then?
ALLCHOICE: But they do come in, right?
Business Owner: Yeah, but not very-
ALLCHOICE: And they could slip on something or slam their fingers in a door or in some way injure themselves while on your property?
Business Owner: Well, yeah, they could.
ALLCHOICE: If they sued you for, say, a few hundred thousand dollars, would your company survive that?
Business Owner: Hm. That would be pretty tough.
ALLCHOICE: It can also pay for the medical expenses, so you don’t get sued for those.
Business Owner: Oh.
ALLCHOICE: Okay, so you should get liability insurance. Do you have employees who go somewhere to do their work, like a customer’s home or place of business?
Business Owner: Yeah, sure.
ALLCHOICE: Well, if they broke something while there, liability insurance covers that, too.
Business Owner: Hm.
ALLCHOICE: Do you rent your office or do you own it?
Business Owner: We rent it.
ALLCHOICE: Do you have a toaster there?
Business Owner: A toaster?
ALLCHOICE: Yes, a toaster.
Business Owner: Sure, we have a toaster.
ALLCHOICE: Okay. Well, if your toaster were to cause a fire, liability insurance would cover that.
Business Owner: Oh. Well, we don’t make toast that often.
ALLCHOICE: Still, it’s nice to have that covered along with everything else, right?
Business Owner: Yeah, I guess so.
ALLCHOICE: So, lots of things could feasibly happen, right?
Business Owner: Of course.
ALLCHOICE: And if you were to get sued, it would have a pretty major impact on your company, right? Even possibly forcing you out of business.
Business Owner: Yes.
Business Owner: My business needs liability insurance.