Life Insurance Awareness Month 2015

Did you know that September is Life Insurance Awareness Month? To kick things off, here are a few stats about life insurance. The reasons people get life insurance, in descending order, are final expenses, income replacement and paying the mortgage. 70{66506b27ca8f5234034d808fc0aabc14bc16ceb45d71027974b073b60f711cfe} of American households with kids would have trouble keeping up with their everyday expenses if […]
Life Insurance – How Tragedy Can Open Your Eyes

How the loss of a loved one can change your whole life
Term Life Insurance – Say Goodbye To Return Of Premium Term Life Insurance

Return of Premium Term Life Insurance contracts will be changing for the worst January of 2010.
Life Insurance & New Parents

Life Insurance is that “ounce of prevention” that can make the difference between little Johnny or Julie having the future you dream he/she could have, and a life filled without a parent and/or hope. While having some life insurance is better than having no life insurance, please do not make the mistake of just buying a life insurance policy. The key to building that foundation of hope for your child is having the correct life insurance policy.
Stay At Home Moms – How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

While the “Stay At Home Mom” may be less prevalent than she was twenty years ago, there are still a large number moms who “work at home”. The problem that must be dealt with is…how much is the “Stay At Home Mom” worth in terms of dollars and cents? The second (and often hardest to overcome) problem comes in convincing both the husband and wife that the “Stay At Home Mom” NEEDS life insurance. Let’s tackle each problem individually.