What Is Workers Compensation Insurance?

What Is Workers Compensation Insurance? Workers Compensation Insurance, also known as Workers Comp, is an insurance coverage small business owners purchase to protect themselves and their workers from injuries that happen while on the job. Worker Comp can provide an injured worker with coverage for medical bills and lost wages that occur from a work-place […]
How Much Does Workers Compensation Insurance Cost?

How Much Does Workers Compensation Insurance Cost? The cost of workers compensation insurance varies significantly, depending on factors like state, business type, number of employees, and claims history. Typically, premiums range from $600 to $1,500 annually. High-risk industries often pay more. Rates are calculated using a formula that includes payroll x class code rate per […]
Do I Need Workers Compensation Insurance?

Do I Need Workers Compensation Insurance? Workers compensation insurance is essential for most businesses, legally mandated in many states, and safeguards against financial risks from employee injuries. It covers medical bills, provides swift benefits, protects against lawsuits, and offers stability against unforeseen incidents, making it a crucial investment for business owners to consider. Workers’ compensation […]
How To Get Workers Compensation Insurance

How To Get Workers Compensation Insurance To get workers compensation insurance, businesses in North Carolina should have three main options: online providers, captive agents, and independent insurance agents. Independent agents are the often the preferred provider because they offer diverse choices and personalized advice. Key steps when choosing a provider include understanding state legal requirements, […]
How Does Workers Compensation Insurance Work?

How Does Workers’ Compensation Work? In the employment benefits landscape, workers compensation stands out as a key support system for employees facing work-related injuries or work related illness. This article aims to demystify workers compensation, emphasizing its implementation, employee injury coverage, and the processes following a workplace injury. What is Workers’ Compensation? Workers’ compensation is […]
What Is A Workers Comp Ghost Policy?

What Is A Workers Comp Ghost Policy A workers compensation ghost policy technically doesn’t exist. It’s just a workers comp insurance policy that applies to a special scenario where the business doesn’t have any employees aside from its owners, and they are excluded from paying for coverage. Essentially, it’s workers’ compensation that doesn’t include any […]
Workers Compensation Insurance Requirements By State?

What Are The Workers Compensation Insurance Requirements By State? Workers’ compensation insurance requirements vary by state in the U.S., reflecting diverse legal and labor environments. Each state sets its own criteria for mandatory coverage, which can include factors like the number of employees a business has. For example, in North Carolina, businesses with three or […]
Why Is Workers Compensation Insurance Important?

Why Is Workers Compensation Insurance Important? Workers compensation insurance is crucial as it provides financial and medical support to employees in case of work-related injuries or illnesses, ensuring their well-being and financial stability. For businesses, it acts as a vital risk management tool, protecting against legal disputes and financial losses while fostering a safe and […]
Is The Coronavirus Covered By Workers Comp?

Is Coronavirus Covered By Workers Compensation Insurance? While the legal landscape is evolving, coronavirus may be covered by workers’ compensation insurance depending on your state, job duties, and exposure risk. For accurate information and personalized guidance, consult your state’s workers’ compensation agency and consider seeking legal advice. Remember, prompt action and documentation are crucial. The […]
Workplace Fatalities and Workers Comp

Workplace Fatalities And Workers Comp Workplace Fatalities are tragic and sometimes unavoidable. It’s a terrible thing on many levels, but it happens. 4,679 workers died on the job in 2014. That’s almost 13 deaths every day. Leading causes of employee death include accidents like falls and slips, falling objects, fire, transportation, and violence, whether […]