Nine Things to Do If You’re in a NC Auto Accident

You’re three cars back when the light turns red, so you properly decelerate and come to a stop.  That’s when you hear a loud screech, followed almost immediately by loud crunching sound and your head whips into the headrest behind you then into the now-deployed airbag that shot out of your steering wheel. Turns out […]

Keeping Teen Drivers Safe

Did you know that he leading cause of death among American teens is motor vehicle crashes?  2,600 15 to 19-year-olds were involved in fatal crashes in 2013.  Even more, about 130,000, were injured. The top causes for teenage automobile deaths were, in order, alcohol, distraction, speeding and passengers.  How much do each of these factors matter? […]

5 Tips for Avoiding Deer on the Road

Pop quiz: What weighs a fifth of a ton, can go up to 45 miles per hour and can cost you thousands of dollars in the blink of an eye? Well, you probably already saw the picture at the top of the page and/or read the title, so you likely know that the answer is: […]

North Carolina Teen Driver Program From ALLCHOICE Insurance

As an Independent Insurance Agency that represents Erie Insurance, ALLCHOICE will now help North Carolina Schools with the formation of Erie Insurance’s “Lookin’ Out” Program. What Is Lookin’ Out? Lookin’ Out is a safe teen driving awareness program initiated by Erie Insurance to reduce auto crashes and promote safe driving habits among teens. Positive peer […]